Do you know what this building is or where it is located? An initial hint: it is still standing.
Update: We have a winner in the first commenter!
Here's what the building looks like today:

Be the first to identify it in the comments here and win your choice of the following books:
- Covering History: Revisiting Federal Art in Cleveland, 1933-43, a beautiful, 72 page joint publication of the Cleveland Artists Foundation and the Cleveland Public Library. It picks up where Karal Ann Marling's work (Federal Art in Cleveland) left off, and is highly recommended.
- Any of the other publications of the Cleveland Artists Foundation that are still in print. The CAF is the organization publishing works on the history of art in greater Cleveland.
- Shaker Heights Fences by Patricia J. Forgac (1984, 16 pages)
- Shaker Heights: the Van Sweringen Influence by Claudia R. Boatwright (1983, 56 pages)
All guesses must be made as comments on this post. If the answer has not been correctly guessed by 2pm, the post will be edited to include a clue. If it has still not been guessed by 8pm, it will be edited again to include another clue.
If you publish books or other products relating to Cleveland history and would like to offer them as prizes, please email clevelandareahistory@gmail.com
Great picture. I think this is Fire Station 37, which was built in 1898 at 2314 Broadview Rd. It originally was the South Brooklyn Town Hall and Fire Station. South Brooklyn was annexed in 1905. The station originally held hose company 4 and on April 12, 1922 Hose Company 4 became Eng 37. The station was closed on June 9th 1948. The tower on the left side no longer exists. I found this information at the Cleveland Firefighters Union website: http://www.iafflocal93.org/Stations%20Page/Disbanded%20Stations/D%20station%2037.html.
ReplyDeleteSteve Bittence
I think it's Fire House 26!
ReplyDeleteA member of my household has right away known all the buildings so far. He even knew the current owner of one. After you post the photos, we always have gone and drove by the buildings too. They were even more attractive than in the photos. Thing is answer man is always at work when you run the contest and all images are blocked on his work computer.
ReplyDeleteSteve got it right! (Steve, could you please contact clevelandareahistory@gmail.com to let us know which prize you want and where to send it?
ReplyDeleteLaura, does said household member have problems seeing the rest of our photos? They're all served from the same place. Let me know so I can try to resolve this issue. I want to make these contests open to as many of my readers as possible.
No sorry Chris the company just blocks all images from most sites so employees keep noses to grindstone, and also so company computers don't get viruses. Would you ever consider running the contest longer so more people get chance to enter and like first person who posts 7 pm or later wins- like u could check next day or something. Just a thought.