Sunday, November 22, 2009

I need your help!

There are many interesting stories to be told in the greater Cleveland area. I certainly can't do it all myself. To that end, I'm asking for your help.

If there's a house or site in your neighborhood that is interesting, curious, or otherwise worthy of discussion, let me know. My work and home tend to focus me on the east side, so I need all the additional eyes I can get.

Alternately, I'm looking for other people to write for this blog. If you are interested in local history and want to reach a larger audience, this might be a place to start. There's no money, of course, but at least you'll be helping to preserve the history of the greater Cleveland area.



  1. Hi Chris, I'd be very interested in contributing. I'll message you through facebook.


  2. I'm curious abou the old farmhouse that sits on Superior around E. 66th, on the south side (roughly).

    I'm a big map nut. I could look at the stupid things for hours. I'm not sure what help I could be, but at least I'm curious.


  3. Chris do you have any info about the out buildings that are on the western edge of Legacy Village along Cedar rd. ?
